Saturday, July 28, 2007

Friday 27 July

James was home sick again, I really hope he will be going back to school on Monday. I was just getting back into my routine of going to the gym & now it has gone out the window again. Instead I spent another 30 minutes in the garden. I managed to get the whole of the vegetable garden weeded & nearly half of it turned over. The next job in that garden will be to lift the strawberry plants & put them in my prpogator before getting a trailer load of new soil.

After doing a bit of laundry James & I loaded the car up with all the recycling stuff that recyclers don't collect & took it to the dump. That has tided out the garage a bit so I'm happy about that. My dresser that I wanted to declutter, dust & polish up still hasn't even been looked at, but when the sun shines it is just asking for you to be outside.

After picking Brent up from school we took him swimming. He was thrilled to find that he had Margaret, who had taught him a few years ago at Jellie Park teaching him for the night. She really concentrated on getting the class doing their breathing for freestyle correctly. Brent is slowly coming to grips with it, but really it isn't very easy to learn.

The weekend is here, so have a good one everybody.


Amy said...

Get well soon, James! Good job on getting all the gardening and recyclying done!

loonyhiker said...

I hate when my routine gets messed up! I hope he is feeling better. Nice layouts by the way!

Hannah said...

Sorry to hear James is sick. My boys have had the flu too so I know it is hard when they're home and not letting you carry on with the normal routine.

Your gardening post inspired me to get out there and yesterday I spent all morning weeding! Today my butt and thighs are killing me - I spent all the time squatting and it was KILLER exercise!!