Thursday, July 12, 2007

12 July

I have got the impression over the last two days that Brent is keeping score. He seemed to get in a bad mood yesterday because James got dinosaurs after the movie & he "only" got a pen. I suggested to him not to get the same dinosaurs as James because inevitably one would go missing & there would be battles over whose one remains. His pen cost the same as James' dinosaurs so I am really not sure what he is griping about. Then this afternoon he asked if we could have breakfast at McDonalds tomorrow. I said no & he said "but you did with James." Yes we did with James it was a Saturday morning & it was James' choice. he wanted McDonalds so for a treat we took him. Brent is sullen because he's not getting a McDonald's breakfast with Scott & I. He seems to conveniently forget he got a dinner at McDonald's earlier this week that James didn't get. I am getting so sick & tired of Brent constantly making sure that he is getting EXACTLY the same as James. Hence the "Don't make me count!"


Hannah said...

Oh no! I am starting to get this with my boys, and they are only 5 and almost 3! So I guess I'd better get used to it then! ;-)

bahama97 said...

Sorry to hear you are dealing with that! Hope that phase won't last long **hugs**

Roo said...

Oh no, Hope it doesn't last long and Brent realises that he is getting 'the same but different' as James