Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Week

The boys are back at school & into the routine of term time.

I have signed on to being parent help for Perceptual Motor Programme for the year 1 and 2 boys. It happens every Tuesday from 8:20 through until 10. PMP is a bit like gymbaroo. There are about 5 or 6 stations with different equipment for the boys to different things. There is an eye tracking station, memory station & it looks like an obstacle course each week. Other stations this week were bouncing balls in a hoop & then throwing the ball at a rebounder & catching it. A seesaw thing that the boys had to try & stand on & balance & throwing bags through a hoop. The boys all enjoyed it.

Brent had a really good game on Saturday & was awarded "player of the day." Brent's team lost but at least the whole team turned up this time & there was times when they really worked well as a team. Brent's team now has a practice during the week, Wednesday's at 4pm at Jellie Park. James just enjoyed running up & down the field chasing the ball. His team had 2 players too many so there was a rolling substitution in operation. Their team won again.

Brent still hasn't lost his tooth & it seems to have stopped wiggling so we are still waiting for that first tooth to come out.

Swimming is going well & Brent is moving through the water really quickly & smoothly. James is enjoying swimming this term & has a lovely grandmotherly type teacher so he seems quite happy.

James has started off the term really well. Mrs Williams told him he was "a real Medbury boy" last week which had him smiling for the rest of the day. What she means is that he is finally motivated to learn & is really trying hard.

It's 2:30 so it's time to pick up the boys. Have a great week everyone.


Karen said...

This PCP thing sounds like a barrel of fun Katrina

Mrs Frizz said...

Hope you are taking the camera ... sounds like a lot of fun.

Let's hope the tooth fairy pays a visit soon.

Jenny said...

That's good news regarding James and I'm glad Brent is doing well too