Thursday, May 24, 2007

Icky Foods

Blog Prompt: I wish I didn't have to eat...... I don't like this food because.....

Parsnip, ick! My mumn loves parsnip & every time we had a roast there would be the white carrot like things that certainly don't taste like carrots. I'm sorry there is just something about the strong flavour of parsnip that I really don't like.

I am getting better with pumpkin or sqaush. I really only tolerate butternut pumpkin/squash & then it has to be mashed. Scott loves pumpkin so I think he is quite pleased that he now at least sometimes gets pumpkin even if it is only mashed & only the butternut variety.

Another ick is kumara (i think Americans call it sweet potato). Anyway I just don't like the flavour of those either.

The interesting thing is that all three of the vegetables were always included in the roast meals that mum would cook. It meant that I had to load my plate with roasted carrots & potato & of course meat.


loonyhiker said...

I've never had parsnip before but I'll take your word for it. For some reason I think of rhubarb when I think of parsnips. I've never had either of them.

Glynis said...

I'm not sure I've ever had parsnips before...and I love sweet potatoes (especially fried!)

carin.c said...

I don't think I recall eating parsnip either but it is a stew item. I think of turnips. I can take or leave squash most times but I absolutely love sweet potatoes smothered in butter and brown sugar!

Karen said...

I'm so relieved to find someone else who doesn't like pumpkin Katrina. People tend to look at me a bit strangely when I say I can't stand it. As if to say "how can that be?".