Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mindless drivel

Blog Prompt: Write for at least five minutes any words that come into your head. Forget punctuation, spelling, syntax, even meaning. If you get stuck, keep writing the last word you wrote until a new one comes.

What a strange prompt, mindless drivel,oh no, i can't think of anything else clear the head just type type James is whinging again about going to school wish he wouldn't wouldn't rain today today want to go swimming it has been a long time since I went swimming should I go inside or outside I think I'll go & try out the waters in the outside pool James is crying now & won't get dressed dressed dressed I can smell my coffeee it is just asking to get drunk but I must keep typing for 5 minutes anything can be done for 5 minutes Flylady says 15 but at least 5 minutes of this might be accomplishable Scott is urging James to get dressed all because James is tired I can't help it that he is tired we put him to bed early but school seems to have fryed his brain yesterday yesterday, of course it was a beautiful sunny day yesterday


Glynis said...

Writing like this makes me wonder at all the stuff that goes on inside my head every moment of every day...and mine is all mindless drivel until that first cup of coffe too :)

loonyhiker said...

It is so great to hear someone talking about swimming when I'm sitting here listening to the weatherman tell us to expect snow and freezing rain tomorrow!

Mel said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

Green tea for me please. I do like coffee but must have a cup of green tea first thing in the morning.