Friday, February 09, 2007

Weighty thoughts

Now that the boys are finally back it school it is time for me to get back onto the weight loss track again. So I thought I would publish my exercise log for the week to keep myself accountable to myself. I am going on a cruise in October & by then I want to lose about 20kgs. I have taken out a gym membership & have been given a weights routine. The trainer thought my weight problem maybe more hormonal than anything so we are trying a weights routine as opposed to a running, get fit routine. Apparently a get fit routine is at odds with a loose weight routine & I should be doing more weights than cardio.

So on to this weeks exercise:

Saturday - in Hanmer but went for a mountain bike ride with the boys for about an hour so.
Sunday - still away in Hanmer & did no exercise other than walking around the township.
Monday - still away in Hamner but we went geocaching which involved climbing up Conical hill for about 20 minutes as well as a lot of other walking
Tuesday - away in Hanmer & no real exercise was done
Wednesday - Went swimming. Swam 750metres freestyle non stop. Almost thinking about entering this
Thursday - Went biking. Went out to McLeans Island. Thought I would bike until I got to Chattertons Road & then head back (10 km). I was biking along & never found Chattertons Road so stopped at Old West Coast Road intersection & turned back. Showed Scott where I went last night & it would appear that I biked 16km. No wonder my butt was sore!
Today - Did my weights routine about 35 minutes, increased my weights back up to my ending point last year.

Jumped on the scales & my weight has gone up 1 kg. That is most disappointing however at least I did exercise most days this week so GO ME!


Canay said...

Congratulations on keeping up with your exercise. My exercise bag has been in my car for three days and I have not gone. I will use you as my inspiration and go after work today:)

Karen said...

You go girl! Sounds like you're exercising for me too.

Mel said...

Good on you. Sounds like you are doing an amazing lot of exercise. I want to lose another 20kg this year,too. Exercise + food - they go hand in hand. I've found that I can do heaps of exercise but eat too much and the weight does not budge. They have to go hand in hand. And don't listen to the hormonal thing - I've been offered that excuse. Just keep up the cardio with the weights work - increased muscle mass (from weights) makes you burn more calories when you do cardio work. It will happen.