Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Real Finds

Real Finds. Have you ever bought anything on the spur of the moment, something you weren't sure you would ever use, then realized you came home with a gem?

I have to say that I really don't buy much on the spur of the moment except maybe scrapbooking supplies. I have a few lanterns around the house, because I like the look of them but so far I haven't really needed them. They will turn out to be gems if we have a power cut though.


Sandra said...

LOL, yes they will be gems if you are lightless in the dead of winter!

Unknown said...

Or in my case, the middle of a hurricane. LOL.

Treighsie said...

I don't usually buy things on the spur of the moment either.

Amy Marie said...

I by tons of stuff spur of the moment... want to come shop at my house?

Glynis said...

Yeah, I'm too cheap to be 'spur of the moment'...except when I'm on vacation :) which luckily for my pocketbook doesn't happen too often!

loonyhiker said...

Hmm, lanterns? Is it those old west kind of lanterns? If so, I bet they are cool looking!