Thursday, September 06, 2007


Fashionably Correct. In years past one would not be seen without a hat to complete your ensemble. Not so much these days. When and where do you think it is fashionably correct to wear a hat?

The first thing I think of is the horse races. The Melbourne Cup, in Australia, the New Zealand Trotting Cup, Ascot all seem to have women out in their finery with big hats on. Another time would be at a wedding cerermony, especially if it is an outdoors one.

Here in New Zealand the Cancer Society advise people to wear hats whenever they are outside in the summer months. My children have to wear a sunhat (regulation of course) at school in the 2 summer terms. They are not allowed to go outside if they don't have their sunhats on. I am lucky in that James seems to adore hats so it is fairly easy to get him to wear hat. Brent is not so happy to wear a hat but if it gets him outside he will wear it.

I try to wear a baseball cap when I am outside in summer but I have a horrible heat problem. With my hair being so thick & dark coloured my head seems to get very hot, very quickly under a hat. I have a few straw hats that I sometimes wear to the beach only problem is that they blow away too easily. I suppose a cap should probably come with me on the cruise or maybe they will sell a cheap sun hat in Tahiti so that I don't need to try & fit one in my luggage.


Sandra said...

I have the "hot head under a hat problem", too. But with my thick wavy hair, I wake with horrible bedhead, so must choose the lesser of two evils...

Great post.

loonyhiker said...

We just bought hats for our cruises and traveling at an outfitters store. It is a great hiking hat but there is mesh around 2 inches that really help keep your head cool. The brim goes all the way around but can be snapped up on the sides. It is khaki colored and looks pretty stylish. Maybe you can find one of them because they are cooler than a ball cap!

ArcaneFaery said...

yea I'm hotheaded too. One of these days though I'm going to go to the mall wearing a sombrero. Just cause.

heather said...

lol I can't believe your answer was so similar to mine, must be the Southern Hemisphere thing!