Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Blow out the candles and make a wish! What did you wish for and why?

I have a simple wish. I wish my family & friends the best of health & to have a wonderful easter break. If you have children at school, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with lots of pleasant memories created.

If I were to have two wishes my next one would be purely for me. I wish I could get a laptop. I want to be really greedy & have my laptop for digital scrapping & internet, email purposes when away from home. I would love to retain my desktop for email & internet purposes at home, I just love my nice big screen on my desktop. That's being really greedy but I just really like the idea of taking a laptop away to do scrapping rather than having to lug a XXL everywhere. However this holidays it shouldn't matter too much as we will have double the luggage capacity so guess what is going to Wanaka with me! I better get going & make up some more page kits.


Denise said...

I think I'm with you... I need a laptop ;-) It is nice to wish, isn't it? Have a fun Easter!

Karen said...

Have a wonderful holiday Katrina. And I hope you get that laptop before too long.

Vern said...

happy easter Katrina.
I wish for a laptop too most days since dh is usually taking up all the time on ours at home.