Friday, June 02, 2006

Star of the Week - Brent

Brent's teacher has introduced a new topic in her class. Each week one of the boys is star of the week. A couple of weeks ago it was Brent's turn. We took his scrapbook in to show the class & then they said some positive things about Brent.

Some of the things the children said were:
- He has a beautiful smile & big, brown eyes
- He can colour in well
- He is a tidy boy
- He has good manners
- He is a happy boy
- He like biking
- He is playful and a lovely friend
- He is fun
- He plays well with us
- Brent has sparkly eyes

Some of them make me wonder if they are talking about the same boy I know but how nice to think he has good manners & is tidy when he is at school even if he can't carry that through at home.


Vicky said...

How cool, what a great confidence boost for him. Love your tui photos, my mum loves her tuis too!

Kelly Slattery said...

Just goes to show that what you're teaching at home goes out into the world...well done!!!