Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday 10 September - Hair cut

Yesterday was my regular cut and colour so this time I decided to actually take a photo of the salon. Next time I might even pluck up the courage to get a photo of me with my colour sitting waiting to "take".
I love this time, it's my time to relax & catch up with all the gossip from not only the neighbourhood, it's amazing what the stylists now about the neighbourhood, but also on the celebrities via the likes of Women's Day & Women's Weekly magazines. In my life it's the only time I get to sit & read these sort of magazines.
I have these cuts & colours every 5-6 weeks & I found out it is only 14 weeks to christmas! I have made all my hair appointments up to christmas yesterday, only 3 more to go!
It's amazing how quickly the year has shot by, especially this term, my boys finish school next week for the end of term, I feel as if I have missed it all by being in a strange kind of funk.
I suppose it is part of the grieving process where you kind of live from day to day not realising how fast those days are disappearing, just getting up out of bed, doing what you need to do but not really able to think ahead. I keep feeling like I should just "get with it". I get notes from various teachers saying "parents please get your child to do this..." & end up feeling guilty because I've been letting the boys down. I can barely manage to keep the house clean & tidy & coercing the boys, especially James, to do his homework without having teachers send home notes like "please get your child to hand his spelling homework in daily", "please get your child to learn his 2 times, 5 times, 10 times table" I feel so overwhelmed by it all & then I feel guilty for letting James down, but really can't the teachers just give us a break. I'm trying my hardest to "get a grip" but extra demands from school just don't help.
I just want to get away from all the demands, the house still demands attention & probably will do until after the carpet has been put down & the furniture back in place; Scott's mysterious ailment that has still not been fixed but has now cost us $450 for specialised antibiotics that aren't covered by Pharmac & because of that, not covered by the medical insurance; James' learning difficulties; Brent's horrible, surly attitude; & of course trying to clean out mum's house.
When will it all just stop & let me catch a breath?
I need to breathe, I need to just STOP!


bahama97 said...

It's a lot to handle, even when you're not dealing with the grieving process. I think we all get overwhelmed sometimes with the homework, and tasks of being a wife and mother. You are definitely not alone with that. I'm sure it will take some time, but it will all get better. I'm here if you ever need to chat. **hugs**

Jenny said...

Katrina - YOU need a break! Don't be so hard on yourself - will anyone die if the carpets are not vaccuumed every day? Write a letter to the principal at school telling him/her to tell the teachers to give you and the boys a break. What you really need is another Scrap Camp - is there nothing happening locally that you can go to? Lots of hugs, my friend