Monday, November 26, 2007

Grateful for - sight

Which one of your 5 senses are you most thankful for and why?

I often wonder to myself which of my senses I would miss the most if I had to loose one & I have never worked out which sense would be worst to loose.

My first thought is always thank goodness I have my sense of sight. I love being able to see my boys grow, reading, cooking, scrapping, watching my favourite TV programs. I know you can get books on cd now, but it wouldn't be the same as reading them & mentally inserting my own voice to the voices of the characters. I wouldn't be able to scrap or take photographs. I think it is my sight that I really am most thankful for.


Hannah said...

I agree, Katrina. I would definitely miss sight the most. Not sure I would cope if I had to stop scrapbooking, reading, cooking, or watching movies/TV! And of course I would want to see my children grow up, it would be very sad if I missed out on seeing that.

Glynis said...

Yep, I think I'm with you. Great reasons you gave for it.

Tammy said...

You and I agree alot on this one.

Unknown said...

I have chosen the same one. I just cannot imagine being able to see the kids growing up. Although hearing holds a close second.

loonyhiker said...

My high school students loved when I would read to them over listening to books on cds. They loved to watch body language as well as hear the words which I think is left out when you just hear the words.