Monday, July 26, 2010

Blogosphere Book Circle - Replenishing the Earth

Title: Replenishing the Earth, The Settler Revolution and the Rise of the Angloworld, 1783 -1939
Author: James Belich

I found this book very heavy going.  It was both heavy to hold & very heavy reading.  So heavy reading that each night I would read about a page & then I was asleep with the book on top of my face.  I had the book for a month from the library but I never got it finished.  I must have got about halfway & then I had to return it again.  I have to say that I didn't check if I could renew it because really I had had enough, I needed some lighter reading. 

This book read like a text book that could possibly used for studying anthropology.  It was kind of interesting how so much of the Western world speaks English & not Dutch or Spanish or French, but really I was never so interested in it that I wanted to carry on reading it.

I gave it a crack but I have to say for the way I read books, entertainment these days, I'm done with serious studying, it really wasn't up my alley.


Penny said...

Heee I think everyone else thought the same :)

Mel said...

Same! It read like a university text - which I suppose it it. Pity as I'd looked forward to it but couldn't 'handle' it (in all respects of the word word).